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6 Smart Ways to Repurpose Content

When you create a valuable piece of content for your website, it serves its purpose for a while and then slowly fades into oblivion. It’s probably still valuable, but it’s buried under a bevy of new pieces of content and so stands very little chance of ever being consumed again. 

The thing about this, though, is that you don’t have to let the content stay buried. You can put it to good use once again by repurposing it and publishing the repurposed edition. 

Wondering how to repurpose content in this manner? Then read on. Here are 6 ways to repurpose content. 

1. Turn One Blog Post Into Several Blog Posts

One great way to repurpose content is to take one of your past blog posts and repurpose it into several more detailed blog posts. For instance, if your past blog post consisted of 5 different tips for starting a business, you could take each individual tip and turn it into a blog post all its own. 

So, for instance, one tip might be to hire a business lawyer. You could repurpose that idea to create a blog post revolving around how to hire a business lawyer. This post will add more detail and will, ultimately, be more beneficial for the reader. 

You can do this with essentially any idea. There’s always more detail to explore. So, look up your most popular blog posts from the past and start hashing out some new topics. 

2. Update Past Content

Another thing you can do is update past content. This is particularly true for written content, though it could potentially work for videos, podcasts, and other pieces of content as well. 

Let’s say you published a piece of content at the start of your business. Because you were just getting started, you didn’t add pictures or captions or links or maybe even additional information. As such, while the content is valuable, it’s not as appealing as it possibly could be. 

You could take this content, copy and paste it into another document, add pictures, captions, links, and additional information, and then just slightly edit other parts of the existing article so as to create an entirely new piece of content. Change the title a bit so that it’s optimized for SEO and — voila! — you’re attracting new consumers and bringing in more traffic than you would have otherwise. 

3. Create an Infographic

Infographics are essentially illustrations with facts attached to them. The illustrations are designed to draw people in. The facts are there to teach consumers small tidbits of information. 

When done correctly, infographics have serious potential to go viral. This is because they’re extremely easy to consume and convey ideas in a direct and organized manner. They’re ideal social media content. 

You see where we’re going with this: find a popular piece of content from your past, synthesize its information, and add that information to an infographic. You could be surprised at how much additional traction it gets you. 

4. Share Past Content on Social Media

Let’s say you have a practice of sharing content on social media after it was published. Each time you do this, you bring in more and more followers. As such, it’s proven effective for you. 

Now, you might be of the mindset that, since you shared a piece of content once, there’s no reason to share it again. After all, everyone who could have viewed it has done so already, right? In all likelihood, probably not. 

People skip over articles that they would like all of the time. You yourself probably do it on a daily basis. You don’t have time for everything, after all. 

So, what’s our point? Our point is that you should simply reshare that old content so as to give consumers another chance to consume it. It takes only a few seconds and is almost sure to bring additional traffic to your website

5. Take Your Words and Use Them for a Different Type of Media

Maybe you’ve published solely written content to this point? If so, you should know that there are other options. These run the gamut from memes to videos to podcasts and more, all of which could help to bring your brand additional exposure. 

As such, you should consider repurposing your content by taking words from old written pieces and using them in different forms of media. You could use them as part of a video script, or as a talking point in a podcast, or as a quote in a meme. 

The possibilities are essentially endless here. So, go back and read your old articles, and see what can and can’t be useful in various forms of media. This could be the start of a whole new aspect of your content marketing strategy. 

6. Use Your Past Content to Build a Presentation

Our last tip is to use your past content as a means of building a presentation. So, for instance, if you’re scheduled to speak at a conference, you could go through one of your past blog posts, pull out the information that’s most beneficial, and then put it into a PowerPoint. 

When presented in this way, this content could take on brand new life, pulling in substantial amounts of additional traffic for your business. It already proved successful in the past, so don’t hesitate to use that success to your advantage in the future. 

Repurpose Content for Guest Posting Purposes

In truth, there are all sorts of ways to repurpose content. These 6 ideas are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. So, start brainstorming and see what you can come up with; your repurposed content could be a huge boon to your content marketing strategy. 

Interested in making guest posting part of your online content strategy? If so, we would love to publish it. 

Contact us now to discuss the proposition further! 

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